We know icicles are cool, but they are a sign of ice damming. Ice damming, when it occurs on roofs, can cause some major problems—as shown in the picture below. For one, heat that you are paying for is just rising out of your attic and into the big open world. You want to heat your home, not the whole world, right? Well, when there is not enough insulation in your attic, that’s exactly what you’re doing. Hot air rises, that’s just a basic law of convection. Making sure your attic is properly insulated will help deter heat from escaping.
So this winter, try to pay attention to your roof. When you pull into your driveway after work, getting groceries or picking up the kids from school, just look up for a quick second and see if there are icicles. Ask yourself how much of your money is going up into the atmosphere. Why not share the wealth and tell your neighbor’s too! Information like this is too valuable not share. Best time to start saving on your home heating bill is right now. Price of oil—or natural gas and electricity—isn’t going down. The only way lower those bills is by taking preventative measures. Look for your local energy auditors, they can help you get on the right path.
danielle p.
Photo Courtesy of : Owen's Corning Roofing