2. Drink More Water. Seems easy enough but most of us confuse being thirsty with hunger. Make sure to stay well hydrated, at least 2 quarts daily, especially if you’ve been staying out late or just on an unhealthy streak.
3. Take Vitamin C. It helps the body produce glutathione. It’s a liver compound that drives away toxins.
4. Dry Brush Your Skin. In most of these detoxes, we forget our biggest organ—our skin. Dry brushing allows us to remove the nasties that have gathered in our pores. It renews the skin cells and improves how you skin looks and feels.
5. Eat Bitter Foods. And yes they do have to taste bitter. Eating bitter foods like dandelion greens, watercress and arugula, stimulate the liver, making the detox more effective.
Five super simple and hassle free ways to incorporate a little detox into your daily life. Nothing too harsh, but you still get the benefits of ridding your body of all the nasties it collects.
danielle p.